Southland Soccer League Rules
Southland Soccer League Rules
U8-U10 will play 6V6 U11-U14 will play 8V8 U15 and up will play 7V7
Parents & Spectators are not allowed onto the fields. Anything that is green turf is forbidden by all other than coaches, officials, and players. Any team that violates this will be required to forfeit their match. Please respect the flow of traffic which helps keep the tournament running on time.
Age Groups
USYSA & US Club Soccer. We use the calendar year method – single birth years.
Clock runs on a loop and will not stop.
5 second rule: When a free kick, restart, goal kick, corner kick, or any other restart is awarded a team will have 5 seconds to get the ball back in play. Failure to get the ball in play in that 5 seconds will result in a turnover of the ball to the other team, who then also has 5 seconds to get the ball in play.
3 Line Violation: The ball cannot travel over 3 lines (marked by cones, the half line, and cones) in the air. If the ball travels over all 3 lines in the air a direct free kick is awarded all the way back to the middle of the defensive line of the team which created the infraction. A keeper can throw the ball over 3 lines.
2 Minute Penalty: Fouls that would lead to a yellow card will now be a 2-minute penalty which will result in the team playing one man short for two minutes or a goal against them. If a player from each team receives a 2-minute penalty each the entire 2 minutes will be served and neither player can come back even if a goal is scored in that time. In the event of a red card by a player or coach a five-minute penalty will be issued which will be served fully regardless of a goal.
Foul when time expires: In the event of a foul & the clock runs out the free kick or penalty will still be taken even though the buzzer went off. The referee has the final decision in this matter.
Time can be adjusted for an entire age group depending on the number of teams entered vs. the time allotted. Please note, the clock is set immediately after the conclusion of the match played prior and starts running 2 minutes. The teams must clear the area and the next two teams need to be prepared as the clocks will not stop waiting until the teams are ready. If teams are ready early, they can start. If they are not, they will lose time in their game.
Game Ball: Every Team MUST have a ball to use for match play.
Cleats: Rubber and molded studs are allowed. No metal cleats are permitted.
Substitution Procedure
Substitutions are on the fly and may occur on an unlimited basis. Both players must be within the touchline and no more than a yard from their bench area when the substitution is made. When both players are on the field neither player may touch the ball. Infringement of this procedure may incur a warning (Blue Card) from the official.
Referee and other Officials
The Referee(s) shall be responsible for control of the game. The referee’s decisions regarding control are FINAL. There are no score clocks so the referee will keep the official time.
Match Play
All Free Kicks are Direct Kicks
o There is no sliding permitted regardless of if it is a tackle or attempt at the ball. An intentional Slide Tackle will result in a direct kick
o When the ball goes out of bounds the game will restart with a direct kick in.
o When the ball hits the ceiling above it will be a direct kick directly below where the ball hit. If it is inside the GK BOX it will be brought to the top of the box.
o Goalkeepers can only roll the ball out or drop kick it (meaning it must touch the ground first) NO PUNTS.
o A Goal cannot be scored directly from a kickoff.
o Everything else is common sense and according to FIFA as much as it can apply.
Bench and Team Area
Only players and coaches will be allowed onto the fields. U8-U10 teams are between the 2 fields. U11 and higher the teams will be on the curtain side. Since space it tight we ask that teams have their bags lined up neatly and stay off bot h fields. Pay attention. After a game we ask that teams leave the area immediately and do not leave any garbage such as water bottles, tape, etc. Please throw away all trash in garbage cans. Please do not spit on the field. No Gum chewing
Scoring, and Tie Breakers
· Games are scored 3 points for a win, one point for a tie, and no points for a loss
· Tie breaking to decide group winner in the event of a tie in points - in the following order:
o Winner of head-to-head match
o Goal Differential – A MAXIMUM OF 4 either on the plus or negative side.
o Least Goals Allowed
o Penalty Kicks – Best of 3 Penalties followed by sudden death – cannot repeat any players
Wildcards – When there are 3 groups the 2nd place team amongst all 3 groups with the highest points will advance to the semifinals. If the team is matched up with the group winner from the same group, the brackets will be switched so they do not play each other again. In the event of a tie in quarter-final, semi-final, or championship game, penalty kicks will be the best of three. After three it will continue as sudden death. Cannot be the same shooters.
All coaches must keep "coaching from the sidelines" to a minimum. If persistent infractions occur, the referee may stop the game and warn or caution the offending coach. Harassment of players by a coach or parent will not be allowed. All coaches and substitutes must remain within the designated bench area during play.
A player and/or a coach who has been ejected from a match shall not take any further part in that match and shall also be prohibited from participating in the next following game played by that team. Coaches are reminded that they are responsible for the actions of their parents and families. Let's set a good example!
Our tournament Director also reserves the right to expel a player, parent or Coach from tournament play for gross violations of the laws of the game, the House, Rules, or damage to Ho Chunk Soccer property
Maximum roster size for U8-U10: 14 and U11-U12: 16 and U13 and above is 18.
The Maximum roster size is common sense as coaches want to be able to manage their players and play time. If a team goes over the maximum roster size, we will not punish them, but we do not recommend it.
Players can only be on one team in an age division. A player can be on a roster in a different age group as well but must be with the same club. A player cannot play in multiple age groups with different club teams. The Player MUST be listed on all rosters he might play with at time of team registration. A player cannot be added to a roster once the tournament begins. In the case of an emergency the Director can allow a player to be added to a roster if it is necessary to preserve the tournament. To avoid any negative situations please be sure players are all rosters within the club that they will play with or potentially play with.
As you may have ascertained from reading the league rules to this point, it is the intent of the league to keep this league on schedule. This is a self-adjusting factor that all games will end no later than the starting time of the next scheduled game. Know it in advance, appreciate it in advance, and understand it in advance. Any time lost during a particular match, for whatever reason, will be at the time expense of that match, and not those that follow. Also, be advised that the Tournament Committee has instructed all referees to deal with any intentional delay of game according to USSF rules. Please let this rule keep us on schedule as intended and be aware that abusers are subject to the consequences.
The decisions of the Director are final, and the Director shall have the authority to make any decision to ensure a successful league. The League shall not be responsible for any expenses incurred by any team or individual if the league is delayed or canceled in whole or in part.
There is no entry fee for spectators or players during the Saturday league. There is a $10 entry fee for adults during the Winter Classic Tournaments
Remember, this league is for the encouragement of fair play, good sportsmanship, and the development of superior soccer skills. We ask that all coaches, players, and parents keep this in mind during their matches as well as those matches at which they may be spectators. We would especially ask that you:
A. Maintain respect for the referee and other officials; they are in control of the game, not you.
B. Remember that running up a score against a weaker opponent serves no purpose. A goal differential of higher than four still counts only as four in the tie-breaker tabulations.
C. Act as you would wish others to act when visiting your tournament.